Mobility & Traffic

Trusted by leading traffic and mobility organizations, such as Autobahn GmbH in Germany and Texas A&M Transportation Institute in the USA, is used globally for traffic, road safety, and other mobility analytics.

With a unique focus on multi-source spatial and temporal visual analytics, it can handle a wide range of mobility data sources, including floating vehicle data, traffic counting data, and road incident data. is used by traffic and road safety service providers, road authorities, city mobility departments, insurance companies, and EV investment companies to build a safer, cleaner, and more efficient future.

Traffic & mobility analysis from floating car data and more

Connected cars are the new sensors on the road. Nowadays every road, every crossing, every highway is sensed continuously using connected cars. Billions of data points are generated daily and ready for you to use for analysis. The platform easily visualizes these vast data sets and enables you to add new mobility and people flow data to understand your entire mobility situation completely.

Request a free demo and discover how scalability and interactivity go hand in hand.

Compatible with data from INRIX, Bridgestone, HERE, Wejo, Otonomo, Tomtom, Streetlight Data,… or use your own data format! adapts to any data and is compatible with Floating Car data, Trips data, Events data, … from all data providers. Determine which attributes you need and take your data live in one day. You can also use your own custom format after processing the data with your own algorithms.

Discover how deals with any type of location data.

Gain additional mobility insights using built-in analytical pages, such as Origin Destination Analysis provides you with multiple dedicated built-in pages to analyze traffic patterns, trends, distributions, and pattern changes in your mobility data. Where does traffic come from and go to? What areas indicate high speeds? Empower your analysis and approach your data set from new perspectives by analyzing local and global travel patterns and changes using intuitive on-map Origin Destination analytics, Trend analytics, or Distribution charts.

Learn more about’s top features.

Put your data in context by adding aerial imagery, street layers, weather data, and more

Gain situational understanding by combining multiple mobility data sources with contextual layers of data, such as aerial imagery, street layer data, weather data, or atmospheric data. Learn to connect the dots and discover if you can spot patterns between multiple data sets.

Share your insights with policy makers, press agencies, and your citizens or audience

Data has many stories to tell. Build beautiful interactive dashboards with widgets displaying maps, timelines, dedicated pages, bar charts, and more. Share your insights using a publicly shared link or embed your stories and visualizations into your own platform or website.

Learn more about how to share your insights using

Don't worry about privacy

Using the platform, data is encrypted at rest and is never sent to the frontend. We handle all data analytics and visualizations server-side. Configure aggregation levels and hide identifiers to avoid analysis of individual trips.

Contact us to learn more about how protects privacy.

  • Customer case

    Helping municipalities and traffic agencies gain insight in heavy traffic and road safety with Bridgestone

    Bridgestone is a provider of floating vehicle data, data that includes GPS traces, data about dangerous situations such as acceleration, breaking, and cornering, and other events. By partnering with, road safety and traffic analysts can now gain easy easy insight through interactive visual analytics on these rich data sets.
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  • Customer case

    How INRIX helps their customers with instant visual analytics for floating vehicle data

    INRIX is one of the fastest-growing Big Data technology companies globally, that works closely with leading automakers and government agencies to transform how people and commerce move around the world’s transportation networks. The solution enables the INRIX customers to quickly and easily use INRIX data for traffic-related analysis purposes and to immediately gain important insights for planning purposes without any programming effort.
    Discover this use case
  • Customer case

    Combining floating vehicle and traffic counting data for traffic data analysis at Helsinki

    The City of Helsinki partnered with and GeoMobility to research the different traffic and mobility data sources and use cases for data-driven analytics with the platform.
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  • Customer case

    How Crowdscan provides cities and event organizers with people flow visibility

    Crowdscan helps cities and organizations monitor and analyze people flow using innovative privacy preserving sensor technology. Learn how Crowdscan leverages the platform to provide their end users with an easy situational awareness dashboard.
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  • Customer case

    How Xouba uses floating vehicle data for road safety and incident analysis

    Xouba is helping traffic departments understand traffic flow and road safety. By leveraging the platform that drastically accelerate time to insight compared to the old way of working using custom Python scripts.
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  • Customer case

    Identifying optimal truck EV charging locations with Kallista Energy

    Logistics and trucking companies are planning for electrification of their fleet. At the same time, energy companies are preparing for a new demand in EV charging infrastructure for trucks. But where to invest in a new installation? What are the best optimal locations. Using Bridgestone floating truck data and the platform, Kalista Energy's analysts could easily identify the most optimal sites in France.
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  • Customer case

    Easy traffic analysis and reporting using floating vehicle data at Hamburg

    Hamburg, a major city in Germany, Europe, sees large volumes of traffic, including from and to the port area. Using floating vehicle data from INRIX and the visual analytics platform, analysts at City of Hamburg can easily analyze and report on any traffic and mobility question.
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  • Customer case

    Traffic flow analytics using Floating Car Data (FCD) at the State Traffic Management Center of North Rhine-Westphalia (Straßen.NRW)

    The State Traffic Management Center of North Rhine-Westphalia (Straßen.NRW) in Germany has adopted the platform for various use cases, involving the analysis of traffic flows and traffic management strategies using Floating Car Data (FCD). Learn how their traffic analysts obtain unprecedented insights into traffic flow conditions on the German roads.
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Why choose

With the platform, the mobility analyst can finally directly work with floating car and trips data, handling billions of records and still maintain interactive update rates. This means the analyst can look at traffic over global regions as well as over longer time periods. In addition to querying, filtering, and visualizing the data, the platform provides advanced analytics capabilities such as corridor analytics and origin destination analytics.

Answer questions in seconds instead of having to build complex algorithms and data pipelines. Simply drag ‘n drop your data and get started in minutes. Share your insights immediately and answer difficult mobility and road safety questions on-the-spot.

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